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However, CELL runs out of Nanosuit soldiers to extract the alien material that integrates with their suits, so the transfer of Prophet to the facility as requested is done. Everyone involved in the Nanosuit program was either recruited or detained by CELL, including scientists Nathan Gould from Crysis 2 and Claire Fontanelli. But soon after, CELL, Now in the quest for global domination of land and technology, they attempt to disable Prophet using powerful EMP weapons in Siberia, capture all the remaining Nanosuit soldiers, and begin to extract the codes from their suits in order to obtain or retrieve the Ceph genetics stored in them.

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One by one, his companions lose interest in the hunt believing that all the Cephs are destroyed, until Prophet and Psycho finally find the Alpha Ceph in Russia and imprison him. Along with Psycho, his teammate from the first Crysis and a team of elite soldiers with the Nanosuit, he travels the world searching for the Ceph Alpha, the last Ceph leader.

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Prophet is now aware that he was previously killed by a gunshot himself, now he is back thanks to the memories stored in the Nanosuit. After the events of Crysis 2, the personality and memories stored in Prophet’s Nanosuit are assimilated with Alcatraz’s body and memories, replacing Alcatraz’s consciousness “as a spare part” in the process.

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